I last posted in January of this year, but it feels like much longer ago. For one thing, that post was about the interior design of our apartment–and we live in
Tag: expat life
Eight Thanksgivings Away
Yesterday marked our 8th consecutive Thanksgiving overseas. We moved to South Africa the week before Thanksgiving in 2010. I couldn’t remember what we did for the holiday so I searched
Some transitions are harder than others. Becoming a parent was a huge challenge for me. Isn’t it for everyone? One day, you have all the freedom in the world. The
Grocery Shopping In Addis Ababa
During our last six months in Pretoria, every night at dinner I would note whether the meal we were eating could be replicated in Addis. I was really worried about
Ethiopian Feast
Our neighbor called this morning to wish us a Merry Christmas. I mentioned that Willa and I weren’t feeling great, and that we were going to stay in our pajamas
Love Thy Neighbor
The death of Nelson Mandela last week wasn’t exactly unexpected, but it still makes me sad and I can’t get it out of my head. I feel like I should
How Kids See the World
My childhood memories of Yemen and Egypt are probably not that different from most other Americans’ childhood memories. From Yemen, I remember the sand box. Popcorn for a snack. My
The Getting-to-Post Blues
After so many months of living out of suitcases, not having a routine, and generally missing our stuff, here we are in Addis. And we are still practically living out