Nine Months

Willa turned nine months old yesterday.

I was too sick to take a photo yesterday. Today, Willa and I went to the doctor. Her ear infection is looking better, and she is right on the 75th percentile line on all the growth charts. I have the flu or a parasite; my symptoms are all over the place so I could even have both. We’ll find out later. Ah, life in Africa!

No teeth yet.20131227-DSC_1128

Still just crawling (yay!).


Always looking for new adventures. 20131227-DSC_1063

Still just saying “dada.” She’s sleeping pretty well at night, not so much during the day.

20131227-DSC_1054She started clapping this month–so cute. 20131227-DSC_1116

It might be time for a haircut. File that one under Lazy Mommy.

20131227-DSC_1080Charlotte never lets me take her picture… unless I am trying to take Willa’s picture. Then, she tries to get in the way. 20131227-DSC_1157Even Willa won’t sit still for photos anymore–she keeps trying to grab the camera. You have no idea how hard it is to get a good shot of these girls.

20131227-DSC_1165They play together more and more each day. Maybe, one day, I can just sit back and relax on the weekends while they play together!20131227-DSC_1048




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